Matt McClusky was able to find success on two great south Louisiana deer this season using some tactics he learned on the podcast!
For some useful information on how to hunt whitetail deer in south Louisiana or other swampy areas, check out epsidoes 329, 331, and 173 of The Southern Outdoorsmen Podcast. Matt wrote:
Hey guys. First off thank you for putting great content out. I’ve tried listening to a lot of hunting podcasts and keep gravitating back to y’all’s. This is by far been the most relatable and I like the way y’all “dive deeper” and go down “rabbit holes”.
Anyhow I’ve hunted public a few times prior to this year. It was mainly on either sex weekends and just sitting where a buddy advised me sit. However, at the end of last season when I found y’all’s podcast I’ve been able to put a lot of stuff in practice y’all talk about.
From e scouting to boots on the ground scouting, tactics etc. Well thanks to you guys I’ve been able to tag two nice SW public land Louisiana bucks. These two have been my best public land bucks I have killed. One was on November 13th the other was on November 11th. Learning how to e scout and “stick to the plan” I was able to capitalize. They aren’t huge pope and young deer but solid for my area and for public land. Thanks again guys. Hopefully I’ll have more for y’all.
- Matt McClusky